Bannière : restauration de mosaïque par Astrid Maréchaux-Maillard

Restauration Mosaïques

Who am I ?

Attracted from a young age to Archeology and the Arts, Art Conservation became a true passion, blending the manipulation of Historical Artefacts, manual know-how, Site Preservation and the respect for historical testimonies among many more valued aspects.

It is through this mulidisciplinary approach, in direct link with the Art pieces and in various contexts, that I practise my work.

  • Astrid Maréchaux, restauration de mosaïques
  • Astrid Maréchaux, restauration de mosaïques
  • Astrid Maréchaux, restauration de mosaïques
  • Astrid Maréchaux, archaeological objects conservation

Training and Studies


Bachelors' Degree in Art Conservation from École Supérieur des Beaux Arts of Avignon in 2010 (a three years program)


Masters' Degree in Art Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2014 (a five year program)

Musée du Louvre

Thesis' topic, completed at the Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts de l’Islam, Paris (75), 2013-2014

Sophie Makariou, Gwenaëlle Fellinger et Yannick Lintz

Strengthening of artefacts attributed to the Great Mosque of Damascus' mosaics. Reconditionning of the tesserae and fragments. Analysis of the gilted and silvered tesserae at the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF).


Specialization in the treatment of Archaeological Objects and mainly Antic and Modern Mosaics.

Internships in France


Conservation mosaics' workshop in musée d’Arles, 2009

Patrick Blanc

Stratigraphy, reverse side treatment, removal of an antic mosaic.


Conservation mosaics' workshop in musée de Saint-Romain-en-Gal, 2009-2011

Evelyne Chantriaux, Christophe Laporte, Andréas Phoungas

De-restoration of antic mosaic and transfert on a new support, filling of the removal rows.


SARL Mosaïques in Loupian (34), 2009

Raymond Rogliano

Treatments in a workshop of the antic mosaics found under the Jean Jaures parking at Nîmes. Cleaning of the pavements and filling of the removal rows. Creation of a modern mosaic for the Grand Palais in Paris.


Association de Mise en Valeur du Château de Coucy (AMVCC), Coucy-le-château (02), 2011

Laurence Krougly

Cleaning of a ninteenth century mosaic, tesserae reintegration.

Emaux de Briare

Musée des émaux et de la mosaïque à Briare (45), 2012

Jean-Claude Kergoat

Treatment of a nineteenth century mosaic, cleaning, facing, documentation and layout on tracing paper. Documentary research in the museum's archives and parisian libraries.

Interships Abroad


Serbia : Belgrade, Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade, 2011

Maja Franković

Gaps filling of an antic mosaic, preparation of colored mortar for the final presentation.


Croatia : Split, Croatian Conservation Institute, 2013

Antonija Buljan

Layout and painting of the Split's mosaics, gaps reintegration with the use of tesserae.


Albania : Butrint, Corpus des mosaïques d’Albanie, 2013-2014

Marie-Patricia Raynaud (CNRS) , Agron Islami

Trigonometrical layouts of the Butrints' mosaics for a futur publication, in situ conservation treatment: uncovering and cleaning.


Greece : Delos, EfA, 2010-2012

Patrick Blanc, Marie-Laure Courboulès, Aristophanis Konstantatos

In situ conservation treatment of gaps, cleaning tests and injections, layouts, de-restoration, protection of the mosaics.


Cyprus : Paphos, Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2013

Eleftherios Charalambous

Layouts and drawing of the Paphos' mosaics, Conception of the conservation project of the Achilles' mosaic (Paphos).

Complementary Experiences


Archaeological Mission of Aix-en-Provence (France), 2008-2009

Nuria Nin

Archaeological excavation in urban and rural environment, cleaning research and drawing of the excavated artefacts, organisation of the storage space, initiation in Preservation storage principles.


Internship at Conservare, Conservation workshop of metal, ceramic and glass in Compiègne (France), 2009

Patricia Leclerc, Jane Echinard

Chateau de Compiègne's Collection inventory, treatment of metallic historical and archeological objects.

Works and Missions

Castle of Sériège

Castle of Sériège (34310 Cruzy, Hérault) France, 2014

Removal of two pannels of enamelled tiles from the XIXth century.

Lagrasse Abbey

Lagrasse Abbey (11220 Lagrasse, Aude) France, 2015

With Marion Rapilliard and Carole Acquaviva

Emergency removal of the mortar imprints of a medieval tiling, XIIIth century

Polychrome mosaic of the duck

Archaeological museum Théo Desplans (84110 Vaison-la-Romaine, Vaucluse) France, 2015

With Carole Lambert

Consolidation, cleaning and transfert on a new support of the "Polychrome mosaic of the duck", IInd century A.D.


Church Notre-Dame de l'Assomption (31540 Maurens, Haute-Garonne) France, 2015

With Carole Acquaviva, Aude Aussilloux

Conservation in situ of the XIXth century mosaics. External and inside pavements, consolidation, cleaning, reintegrations

Masks' mosaic - Butrint (Albania)

Archaeological site of Butrint (Albania), 2015

Marie-Patricia Raynaud (CNRS), Agron Islami

Cleaning, consolidation with injections and mortars, reintegration of tesserae, biocid treatment, IInd-VIth century A.D

Mosaic from Dresnik (Kosovo)

Archaeological site of Dresnik (Kosovo), 2015

Collaboration between the French ambassy and Archaeological Insitute of Kosovo

Uncovering, cleaning of the pavements, treatment of the lacunae, injections, covering, IVth century A.D.

Saï island, french excavation

Saï Island, « Qatar–Sudan Archaeological Project » (Sudan), 2015

Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project

Inventory, preventive conservation, repackaging of artefacts coming from french excavations, conservation of ceramics, egyptian faiences and glass.

XIXth century mosaic

Capendu (11700 Capendu, Aude) France, 2016

Cleaning of more than 20m2 of XIXth century mosaics



Lecture during the JERI 2014 conference (Journée d’étude recherche et innovation en conservation-restauration des biens culturels), the 2nd of october 2014 at the MuCEM museum.

“Études et restauration de tesselles et de fragments de mosaïques, attribués à la Mosquée des Omeyyades de Damas (Syrie)”

-Study and Conservation of mosaics' fragments and tesserae attributed to the
Omeyyades' Mosque in Damascus (Syria)-


Poster presentation at the ICCM Conference (International Committee of the conservation of mosaics), 27th - 31st november 2014 in Sardinia (Italy), with M-P. Raynaud, A. Islami and K. Zguro.

“The conservation challenge of Butrint”

RIF 2013

Organisation of the RIF (Encounter Between Conservations' Formations)

“Entre innovations et adaptations: actualités de la Conservation-Restauration”
- Between Innovations and Adaptations: Current News in Conservation Restoration - Paris, 25th - 26th January 2013 (in collaboration with the Institut National du Patrimoine)

Masters' Degree and Published Papers

Couverture du mémoire d'Astrid Maréchaux

A. Maréchaux, « Tesselles et fragments de mosaïques attribués à la Mosquée des Omeyyades de Damas en Syrie (VIIIe siècle) – La difficulté de traiter un corpus morcelé et mélangé »

- Tesserae and fragment of the mosaic of the Omeyyades' Mosque in Damascus, Syria (eighth century) - The Difficulties of treating a mixed and fragmented corpus -
Master's Degree, Conservation-Restauration des Biens Culturels at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Specialized in Archeological objects,June  2014.

Marie-Patricia Raynaud and Agron Islami, « Corpus of the mosaics of Albania, Vol1. Butrint intramuros », Balkans mosaic n°1, Ausonius, 2018, 292 pages.
Co-authors : Elisabetta Neri, Anne-Orange Poilpré
Drawings : Astrid Maréchaux
Illustrations : Didier Dubois
Collaboration: Ornela Durmishaj, Klejdi Zguro